Goose Gravy

Goose Gravy

Goose Gravy

PREP TIME: 5 minutes | COOK TIME: 5 minutes | YIELD: +/- 2 1/2 cups


1/4 cup goose fat, rendered (see recipe)

1/4 cup Wondra brand flour or All-purpose flour

10 cups goose stock (see recipe)

1/4 cup Sour cream



Goose Fat for Gravy

In a large heavy bottomed saucepan or pot heat the goose fat over medium heat.

Add flour to the hot goose fat, and immediately whisk the mixture until all lumps dissolve. Cook the roux until nicely browned and a bit dry whisking frequently, about 3-4 minutes.

Carefully add the goose stock and whisk into the roux until thoroughly combined.

Goose Gravy

Simmer the gravy over medium-high heat until liquid is reduced to about 25 percent

Add the sour cream and salt to gravy and whisk until thoroughly incorporated.

Serve immediately.

Chef Tip: For smoother gravy, pass through fine-mesh sieve. Serve hot, or cool in an ice bath to reserve.

Goose Gravy Strainer

Smooth Goose Gravy