Four Ways to Get Poppin

Without question popcorn is one of the most popular snacks in my house. We love to make up a pot of if to nibble on while we watch movies or play games. We started out keeping our popcorn pretty simple, a little bit of butter and salt. After a while we thought it might be fun to try adding different seasonings to the mix. Not all of our experiments were winners, but over time we came up with some really great recipes, like the four in the video below. 
To keep your kernels fresh store them in vacuum sealed bags.
Popcorn Recipes:
1. Barbecue Seasoning, this may seem like a surprising topping for popcorn, but being Kansas City based, we've got a bit of a thing for barbecue. Add a bit of barbecue seasoning to your popcorn in place of your usual salt, it's delicious. 

2. Ranch and Paprika, ranch makes everything better, just ask my kids. Add a packet of ranch powder and a little paprika to give your taste buds a tasty surprise. 

3. Taco Seasoning, who doesn't love tacos. The south of the boarder twist on your popcorn may help quench that taco craving, yum!

4. S'More popcorn. For the perfect mix of sweet and salty you can add some chocolate and marshmallows to your popcorn. Use some coco powder to coat the popcorn, and add chocolate chunks and popcorn to finish it off.