Our Favorite Pasta Recipes

It's filling, it's delicious, and it might be the best comfort food, it's pasta. Pasta can be made and served it so many ways, from you're basic buttered noodles, to the layers of meat, sauce, vegetables and noodles that make up a lasagna.
We're big fans of the stuff, so we've put together a few of our favorite pasta recipes for you to try out. With pasta, it's all to easy to accidentally make too much, but if you vacuum seal the leftovers for storage, they reheat beautifully. Our favorite recipes are below, try them all to see which one you like best.
1. Venison Lasagna "Bolognese"
The great thing about lasagna, is that it's so versatile. You can make it with white or red sauce, veggies, meat or both. For ours, we went with our tasty venison bolognese, and the result was delicious.
2. Potato Parmesan Gnocchi Sous Vide
Gnocchi are small "dumplings" that can be made of various ingredients, and prepared like pasta as we know it. Served in it's simplest form the dumplings are boiled, and served with your favorite sauce. Make these potato gnocchi using the sous vide method, and dive in.
Perfect served on any past you like, our venison bolognese, is easy to vacuum seal and freeze for a quick and easy meal in a pinch.
4. Macaroni and Cheese with Pumpkin Sous Vide Topped with Parmesan and Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Or as I like to call it, Pumpkin Mac & Cheese. This tasty dish is perfect for all you pumpkin lovers out there. All the creamy cheesy tastiness we've come to expect from mac and cheese, with the goodness of pumpkin mixed right in.