Our Favorite Turkey and Thanksgiving Recipes

November is officially upon us. I’ve already been out and enjoying the fall turkey season, and now that I’ve landed a bird, it’s time to do something with it. I could of course save it for Thanksgiving, but that isn’t the only option. |
Turkey Hunting Basics: Turkey hunting has a ton of calls, be sure to know which ones you can expect to hear in the wild, and which ones are helpful to use when hunting, these include various clucks and yelps. Proper dress and camo will also help you to go undetected by the Turkey as you hunt, and store all the things you carry while you hunt, such as maps, calls and decoys. Read More: Four Things to Know this Fall Turkey Season. | |
Whole Turkey Sous Vide: The sous vide method isn't just for individual cuts of meat, once you've properly cut your bird, you can cook the whole turkey using this method. Prepare the bird sous vide a couple days in advance, and finish it day of, for a perfectly cooked turkey. Read More: Whole Turkey Cooked Sous Vide. |
Crispy Stuffing Waffles: You don't have to limit yourself to turkey sandwiches to use up all of those thanksgiving leftovers this year. If you've got a waffle maker hanging around, you can make this crispy and delicious waffles any time of day. Read More: Thanksgiving Leftovers- Crispy Stuffing Waffles Covered in a Creamy Turkey and Mushroom Gravy with Cranberry Sauce. | |
Cranberry and Maple Muffins: Perfect for this time of year these cranberry muffins make a great side at the dinner table, or a quick breakfast as you run out the door in the morning. Caution, they go quick, you might want to make an extra batch! Read More: Perfect Thanksgiving Side: Cranberry Maple Muffins with Sweet Baking Blend. |
Creamed Spinach: One of my family's favorite things to pair with a good turkey dinner is creamed spinach. Not only does it taste great, but it's simple to make, and when November hits, easy usually wins a prime place on the dinner table in our house. Read More: Side Dish: Creamed Spinach | |
Bacon Wrapped Turkey Roast: If you like to get a little bit more creative in the kitchen, or if you simple love bacon, this dish is right up your ally. I'm always looking for more recipes using my favorite meats, and Chef Eric never disappoints. Read More: Bacon Wrapped Turkey Roast. |
To see more recipes and sous vide inspiration check the Fresh Bites Blog regularly. |